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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tonight at 7:00 Central....................

LaBron James returns to Cleveland, Ohio to play his first game in that city after his elongated, over elevated, over publicized move to the Miami Heat. This is not just a run of the mill event, it's Cleveland and its storied but tortured sports history.

The drive. Ninety nine yards in the closing minutes by the Denver Broncos and John Elway. No Super Bowl for the real Browns. The fumble. The next year, again versus the Broncos and Elway, Ernest Byner loses the ball before not after goiing in to the endzone for the winnig touchdown. Once more, no Browns Super Bowl.

Go back in history. In 1954, Willie Mays made the catch of his life against the Indians in the World Series. An over the shoulder grab nearly to the center field wall. Giants win the series, Giants win the series, Giants win the series. The Indians never return until 1996 when closer Jose Mesa and his 100 MPH fastball blew up in the ninth inning and gave the Braves that piece of history.

This is the city that lost the Browns to Baltimore because of a prudent financial decision. Cleveland's economy was in a down cycle and spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a new stadium just wasn't rational. So Art Modell left for Baltimore, itself jilted when the Colts ran off and eloped with Indianapolis. This is the city that got a new set of Browns years later and drafted Tim Couch as its quarterback of the future. Couch was a better piece of furniture than a passer.

Remember that the Los Angeles Rams were the Cleveland Rams before they moved west. Remember that this was the city reffered to as the "mistake on the lake" when Dennis Kucinich was mayor. Remember, if memory serves that Cleveland either declared, or came close to declaring bankruptcy in the 1970's. Remember this was the city that referred to its NBA franchise as the "Cadavers", not Cavaliers, in the teams early years. This is the city where the river that flows through it caught fire, chemical slicks float on the surface. This city has been left at the alter without a bride, the border without a visa, the drive through window without a menu.

LaBron James can't be held accountable for the past that is Cleveland's. He didn't create the history. He can't be held accountable for his decision. Owners routinely trade players before their contracts are done, though some players have rights of refusal. Why shouldn't the dethroned King James be able to make a decision after he has completed his contract?

What James did was rub Cleveland's nose in the situation of the floor. The length of the tease, the one hour "decision" show, the mysterious process he went through with Cav's owner Dan Gilbert.

Tonight's game warrants an answer for all the above. Clevelanders will blame James for everything they can think of. By the time the game starts, they will think its his fault the intern forgot the donuts for the planning meeting. Will he do the powder throw tonight? Is it nostalgia when the memory turns your stomach in to a brick?

When I lived in the Akron-Cleveland area, it was as a child and adolescent. When I look back on those memories, its as an adult recounting youth. We always had heros. Most of them were athletes and the adulation connected the adults and the kids for some really special moments. James jumped in to that process as a high school aged man, then left for greener pastures. He can't be faulted for that. Show the guy some repect and say thank you for the time with us. You will never have it that good with the fans again.

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