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Friday, September 10, 2010

Midguided Pastors et al

First, Pastor Terry Jones of the Florida micro church announces he will burn multiple Korans on September 11. That date is of course tied to the largest hostile attack on the mainland United States since the War of 1812. Emphasis on the word "burn". Not only does he seek to insert his activity on a day of intense tragedy, he does it a way that hearkens back to an infamous image of Nazi Germany in the 1930's. What more unamerican act can there be than burning instruments of free speech and thought?

Then, Jones continues his ersatz media campaign by announcing his negotiation with the New York Imam who wants to build a mosque very close to the now destroyed World Trade Center site. If this is successful he will call off the offensive burning. As if he is a necessary intermediary in a larger process. Next, he appears before cameras again to say the deal either is off or may be off.

"The Rev. Terry Jones said Thursday he would call off the planned burning of Korans based on a deal negotiated with the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida that the location of a mosque planned near ground zero in New York would be changed. But Imam Muhammad Musri said he was clear on Thursday when he told Jones that he could only set up a meeting with planners of the New York City mosque, whose leader said he had spoken to neither the pastor nor Musri. Jones responded by opening the door, if only a crack, that he would go forward with his plan on Saturday. "We are just really shocked," Jones said of Musri. "He clearly, clearly lied to us." - Washington Times Website September 10, 2010

Book burning back on.

All this to say two simple things. Why is this pastor intent on this activity? He heads a congregation of 50 or so people. Forget the content of what they are doing for the moment. The public announcement screams publicity stunt. It could be that the hope was to marshall forces together so that the numbers of participants on the appointed day would be much larger. In that Pastor Jones failed. If his efforts were to force a change in the mosque construction, failed there too. There are so many more players involved than just Jones and the New York Imam. Standing before a mike stand won't work.

No this is a stunt. Its true meaning and plan is a mystery, as is this congregation and its "leader?". Whatever the case most important fact in this show has been unsaid until now. Jesus Christ admonished us to "turn the other cheek". That is, His followers are to be examples not enforcers. Koran burning is not in this teaching. Witnessing, praying, and living along side of is. We are not martyrs, but we are called to be fearless in our witness.

In this most important facet of our faith, Pastor Jones displays ignorance. Either purposeful or accidental.

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